Nutritional Therapy
I was trained in Nutritional Medicine and Dietary Therapy by Dr Lawrence Plaskett and graduated in 1994. I initially worked in London but have been offering nutritional medicine, also known as Nutritional Therapy, in West Yorkshire since 2001. I’ve always offered a completely naturopathic, whole-body therapy in the field of nutrition and I have decades of experience in this whilst keeping up-to-date with modern nutritional research by attending lectures, seminars and webinars.
I have been supporting clients with Nutritional Medicine, for over thirty years. Nutrition is a most basic of needs, the quality of which is paramount to fuelling our energy and healing us. Deficiencies are commonplace in our modern world especially with regard to minerals, vitamins, fatty acids etc. and these are often a factor in the development of chronic disease.
Toxicity from our environment, diet, lifestyle, dental and other toxins, heavy metals, environmental and household toxins, trauma and emotional experience, along with poor chewing, malabsorption, poor nutrient uptake, past and present poor diet and eating choices and habits, slow or fast transit of foods, epigenetics, the effect of methylation and other gene variants on the body, stress, electro-magnetic smog, can all lead to imbalances in the body causing food and environmental allergies and sensitivities. Stress is the main reason for disease and stress mismanagement, dehydration, sleep quality and many other factors are taken into account when assessing the diet and lifestyle of each client.
Laboratory testing
In my clinic I use an in-depth, medical history as well as iridology and other naturopathic techniques and my clinical experience to help direct my decisions.
However, there are many laboratory tests available to me and I may utilise them if I feel they would be helpful to gain further information; the most commonly used ones being stool tests to assess the digestive system as well as hormone tests, organic acid testing and genetic testing (Nutrigenomics).
In my clinic I use an in-depth, medical history as well as iridology and other naturopathic techniques and my clinical experience to help direct my decisions.
However, there are many laboratory tests available to me and I may utilise them if I feel they would be helpful to gain further information; the most commonly used ones being stool tests to assess the digestive system as well as hormone tests, organic acid testing and genetic testing (Nutrigenomics).
The Consultation
Once booked I confirm the appointment with an e-mail and send a health questionnaire and food diary which should be completed and brought to the consultation.
Once booked I confirm the appointment with an e-mail and send a health questionnaire and food diary which should be completed and brought to the consultation.
An initial consultation with me is in depth and takes two hours. I always commence with an iridology assessment (if suitable) which helps me to gain an understanding of the individual and their likelihood of health issues. This assists in pointing me in the direction of the required therapy program.
I ascertain deficiencies paying special attention to bulk and trace minerals, vitamins, amino-acids, fatty acids and lack of enzymes. I follow up with a dietary therapy programme and may prescribe practitioner supplements. If required I may recommend laboratory tests, anti-homotoxic remedies, nosodes, super coherent flower remedies, lifestyle changes, naturopathic techniques, far infra -red sauna or other supportive therapies. I may also refer clients for additional therapies from other practitioners and holistic dentist if appropriate.
I follow up the appointment with an individualised dietary program within 48 hours. Further appointments are for 45-60 minutes depending on the time required.
Before booking an appointment with me I would always suggest you are prepared to spend more time planning meals, shopping and cooking. Nutritional medicine requires that you begin to
appreciate natural food and that you give it the time and respect it deserves along with possibly adjusting some eating habits. I would also expect daily hydration of good quality water to become a part of your lifestyle in order to support regular clearance of toxic waste. Supplementation alone should not be considered of adequate therapeutic value; it should always accompany appropriate diet and lifestyle.